Welcome to In This Sun’s Cycle, a blog dedicated to solar cycles and the time eras associated with them. Here we explore cosmology, ancient calendars, ancient writings, and the primordial soup called humanity through the lenses of science, astronomy, spirituality, and observation.

“A little learning is a dangerous thing.” – Alexander Pope

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Chaotic Water

Chaos comes into the world through the sea of people. Likewise, when the imprisoned Watchers come up from the lake in the earth that the ancients spoke of, they end up in the sea of humanity.

Chaos within chaos.

Is the earth indeed hollow?

Let’s say for minute that the definition of a “bottomless” pit doesn’t mean “infinitely bottomless”, but rather, bottomless in the sense that humans can’t access the bottom. Let’s say that atmospheric pressure and other physical limitations are no longer an issue. IF we could map the earth’s depths like we’d like to do in the Dead Sea or the Mariana Trench, then we ‘d be able to confirm or debunk the existence of said lake, but for now, we can’t. What we have is many cultures spanning many eras believing that this lake exists. Their stories correlate that giants–entities–gods–will return to the earth; Anakim, Raphaim, Gibborim, and Nephilim, to name a few. What if they are coming from the lake in the earth and not from the realms above? What if they were killed in the Great Flood of Noah with the breaking up of the fountains of the deep, and then imprisoned in the lake in the earth. As in the days of Noah

Finding Loopholes; Upsetting Plans

These beings are smart, quick, and amazing in their physicality, but there will be loopholes to withstand them. One loophole is their arrogance. This earth was not designed for them. The earth is in our design, not theirs. We are God’s design. It is God’s Universe. Even the puniest human has the capacity built into his/her design to frustrate the chaos brought to the earth and to bring peace to the stormy seas of chaotic water.

Just A Thought

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God created the sun, moon, planets, and stars in the heavens to be for signs (Hebrew “oth“) and for seasons Genesis 1:14-18

Oth = a signal, sign, or beacon